The 8 weight fly rod is the most popular fly rod made for light saltwater applications. This rod can be used to catch snook, redfish, bluefish, striped bass, bonefish, baby tarpon, and small permit. Not to mention, they make great freshwater rods for bass, pike, big river streamers and hybrid bass. This rod is the workhorse and a lot of time and consideration should be used when buying one.
Over the past months I have been test casting every 8 weight I can get my hands on, which is not every rod made today, but enough samples for me to make a well informed decision. Here is what I found, with the disclaimer that no matter what magazines say, rod companies promote and anyone interested in selling a fly rod can say; the best way to find the right rod for you is by getting out and casting every one you can get your hands on.
G-Loomis NRX - USD 760.00
I have to admit, I was really excited to test this rod out. All of the hype about the new compound from 3M, 17 years in the making, made by Steve Rajeff (world's best caster, possibly ever) the list goes on and on...
So, I had my chance a few weeks ago and was, unfortunately, disappointed. While the rod was softer than the Crosscurrent GLX predecessor, the tip was made too soft for the butt section. This made the rod nice for close up shots within 30 feet and quick loading, but forced me to open up my loop for longer casts. This did two things to damage performance when exceeding 50 feet.
First, the wider loop decreased line speed and made the line subject to being influenced by the wind, in turn, decreasing accuracy. Second, the decrease in line speed takes away distance. This hurt the rod's ability to really put the fly on the target.
While I feel as though this rod is aesthetically excellent with the matte finish, blue and teal wraps and the carbon fiber reel seat, the performance, in my opinion did not match.
Hardy Proaxis - USD 695.00
Unbreakable, developed by 5 time gold cup winner Andy Mill, nano-technology... This was another highly touted rod that did not meet its advertiser's promise, in my opinion. This rod has all the problems the NRX has, and more. Line speed was even harder to create and due to a softer tip and tailing loops were more prevalent unless the loop was opened up even more.
Not knowing the new nano-compound properties, I have to think that while it creates unbreakable rods, performance is hindered by making the rods too soft in the tip section.
Scott S4S - USD 725.00
When I first picked up this rod I thought to myself, "This rod blank looks like my old Cortland 444". In addition to the rods' appearance (which I really like), there are some new features which are nice. While some may prefer the beautiful finishes, rod wraps and reel seats offered by Thomas and Thomas or Winston, the S4S is different looking while still offering premium components, only with a little more grit. First, Scott has introduced a Type 3 anodized reel seat. While it makes the reel seat salt-proof, it also adds a flash reduced surface which matches the dark gray rod very well. A very cool looking rod that would look awesome with a matte finished black Abel Super 7/8N.
As far as performance goes... this rod has it all. The rod casts beautifully with a flex profile that keeps the rod fun to cast. While the accuracy due to this bit of flex is inhibited at very long range distances, this rod is capable of delivering a fly with the utmost accuracy and tight loops for most saltwater fishing applications (30'-70'). This rod matched with a Cortland floating 8# line is just pure.
Sage Xi3 - USD 725.00
While I really likes the Xi2, I was a bit skeptical that any changes had been made when first picking up the new Xi3. Changing the black wraps to a dark blue seemed to be the only change at face value. Having cast this rod now, I admit I was wrong.
While the rod is aesthetically nice to look at with the sapphire blue blank with dark blue wraps in a shop, when the rod is placed in the sun, the coats of epoxy and finishes really make this rod shine. Match this rod with a black or gold Tibor Everglades and you have one nice looking setup.
Taking this rod out and casting it, it was clear that, while it seemed a little too stiff, the rod was deadly accurate. Probably the most accurate 8# rod made today. I think this is due to the new generation 5 graphite. Taking a page from golf club manufacturer's, Sage has incorporate torsion resistant materials in their rods. This keeps the line tracking straighter and loops tighter with better range and accuracy. The downside to this rod is on the short shots. With the stiff flex, the rod does not load great inside of 30', making the rod timing very difficult to feel. In order to fix this, two things can be done. First, you can go up a line size, but long distance performance will be inhibited. Next, you can fish a line weighted a half size heavier like the Rio Tarpon line for the flats which would be a nice setup. Last, you can fish sinking lines where on the flats you use a sink tip line, which hurts pickup and recasting to fish, and then use a full intermediate or type 4 in the Northeast. With those lines this rod can perform flawless in many different situations making a great everyday rod that you can travel with.
Greys Carnivore - USD 349.00
This rod is my pick for best buy. While it is not flashy cosmetically with nice epoxy coats and flashy hardware, this performs like a top rod.
Casting this rod with a floating line, the rod loads and unloads in a way that does not let the wind influence where the fly lands. Generating good line speed and delivering on accuracy, this rod is an excellent pick for the price point. With a tropical floater or a Rio Striped Bass full intermediate line this rod can perform in the northeast or on the flats.
G Loomis Crosscurrent Pro - USD 425.00
If you don't want to spend $700 on a rod and don't plan on traveling by plane to get to your fishing destination, this is your rod.
I have been fishing the 12# for tarpon for a few years and these rods are great. While probably too soft to cast a full sinking line well, they can present a floating line beautifully. The same is true for the 8#. While this rod performs excellent at all distances, the biggest draw back is the 1 piece, making it difficult to transport. This in addition to the grip that G-Loomis uses are my biggest complaints.
This rod matched with a Cortland floating line is awesome, in my opinion. To soften it up a bit you can use the Rio Tarpon line which will make this perform better up close while still getting the fly out to 70' with accuracy. This rod fights fish great and looks good too with an olive finish with gold trim. Match that with a moss colored Tibor or an Abel reel in green Camo and you have one cool looking setup.